JPD Employees Association urges city to address vacant officer positions, calls for incentives

Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The Juneau Police Department Employees Association has penned a letter to city leaders urging action, calling for hiring an...

December 24, 2022
5:48 AM

Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The Juneau Police Department Employees Association has penned a letter to city leaders urging action, calling for hiring and retention incentives in order to be more competitive with other departments. According to the letter, the department is down 12 positions, which translates to a 22% vacancy rate. The letter further explained that they are losing four officers this year and said they are at risk of losing another 10 soon eligible to retire. However, even if all 56 positions were filled, the Association said police are behind the curve in budgeted officers, with funding for only 1.