Gold Medal Tournament is this weekend in Juneau

A basketball tournament with some of the greatest longevity in Alaska is the Juneau Lions Club Gold Medal Tournament, which will hold its 74th adul...

March 17, 2023
3:18 AM

A basketball tournament with some of the greatest longevity in Alaska is the Juneau Lions Club Gold Medal Tournament, which will hold its 74th adult basketball tournament this weekend at Juneau-Douglas High School, after spending three years on the bench due to Covid. Thousands of people from around Southeast Alaska come to Juneau for tournament, shopping, and socializing during spring break, with teams that include Metlakatla, Hoonah, Kake, and as far north as Yakutat. The age brackets includes a masters' bracket for those 42 and older, a C bracket for those 32 and older, and a B bracket for younger adults.

Suzanne Downing